The mind and body can not be separated. Mental, physical, and emotional patterns manifest in the whole person, and in a multitude of ways. When energy becomes stuck, is overactive, or is lacking, energetic blockages and gaps occur that affect the whole mind-body system. These blockages can lead to injury, sickness, confusion, anxiety, and more. I help clients to release what is stuck, strengthen what is weak, and soften what is overly strong. A balanced body/mind is both strong and supple, in movement and when at rest.

Align was born out of the desire to offer education and tools for the body to restore its natural integrity, functioning with efficiency and ease. Pilates, Yoga, and Reiki are three modalities that help achieve balance, enhanced and nurtured by professional support. My goal is to help you align with your body's innate higher functioning, and to hold space for you to align with your highest self.


About Marissa

Marissa Lueders is a Physical Mind Institute Pilates Trainer, a Kripalu Yoga Teacher, and an Usui Tibetan Reiki Master Teacher. She has been an active lover of movement and artistry in many forms throughout her life. Her love of movement has fused with a strong energetic awareness and intuition, which has led her to explore movement and energy as one in the same.

She holds a B.A. in Anthropology and a Minor in Dance from the University of New Hampshire. She has since pursued natural health and wellness continuing education, living an holistic and movement based lifestyle. She has been teaching/practicing since 2008. She is a joyful mother of 2 children, loves to explore the natural world through outdoor adventures, and has a special affinity for climbing/dancing on rocks.

Marissa is passionate about sharing her love of movement and energy, teaching with compassion and humor. She fuses fundamental principles with fun, creative and intuitive flair. She believes that the natural world is always offering us inspiration to align with our natural rhythms.

Come forth into the light of things. Let nature be your teacher.
— W. Wordsworth